Well this the very well know fact High-Traffic=More-clicks=More-Money.Work hard on your blog SEO and link building to get high traffic on your blog.Now day’s social media is having big impact on blogging.So forget to use social media to Improve your blog traffic.
2.Adsense Placement
How to place ads on your website? Right Adsense placement on blog can boost your Adsense Earnings,Try to place your ads After the post tittle,That is best and very common place to show your ads,Placing Adsense between post content is also other good place to try,There are more change of readers click ads between post more than any other place.Always use all 3 Google Adsense ad blocks.
3.Ads Relevance
Ads Relevance is the major point in Improve Google Adsense Earnings,For example if your blog is about Fruits or vegetable and the google serve you ads of shoes on that place,People’s are not going to click on shoes ads on vegetable blog.Use Competitive Ad Filter which enables you to block specific ads, such as competitors’ ads, from appearing on your pages and Ad Review Center to block ads in certain ad categories from appearing on your site.
4.Google Search Box
Use Google Search Box on blog.lot’s of Webmaster advice to use Google Search Box on blog,Because Google Search Box Is very useful service for your Readers to search your website site.You’ will definitely paid for every click on Adsense which show’s on your search box top,right or left side.
5.Ad Format
You can use many of Ad Format’s according to your blog layout which provide by Google.Many webmaster only using text ads,But Don’t hesitate to use images ads format.Always use ad’s text color with the color of your Web site’s content’s text.
Here are some more tips to use for Improve Google Adsense Earnings,like using Adsense Targeting,Using High Paying Keyword In Post.So these are some basic tips for increasing your Google Adsense Earnings,But as I told your earlier that it’s not possible to Improve Google Adsense Earnings by overnight.Be passion Because “Passion is the key for Success”
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